Predictions and Power Rankings Week 10

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 10



This season my picks have been horrible and I have no shot at winning this season and to have any shot at it (ed’s note: wat?), I need to get every game correct and hope that everyone else only get a few correct. Since I have no shot at it (ed’s note:…), I decided to just flip a coin to see if that works better for me.

These picks are from when we cancelled a week due to rain and I could have left my picks, but figured I’d try something different this week, so here goes nothing.


Division 1


Lockdown vs Centurions

Iron Wolves vs Lockdown

A-Team vs Outlaws

A-Team vs Jagerbomb


Division 2

Thunder Buddies vs Nice TDs

Nice TDs vs KOLB


Division 3

Mustard Tigers vs Double Dippers

RawSauce vs Phoenix NA

Villians vs Pocket Rockets

Pocket Rockets vs Villians

Double Dippers vs Red Cats


Division 4

Trolling Holers vs Iron Wolves

Drama Club vs Trolling Holers

Jagys and Chill vs Udaho Idapimp

Airborne vs Bines Low Fat

Jagys and Chill vs Top Shooters

Udaho Idapimp vs Sour Peeps

Royale with Cheese vs High on Audibles

Cyclones vs Royale with Cheese


Division 5

Nomades vs Dancing Zebras

Low Expectations vs Blue Badgers

Slot Machines vs TD Hunters

Mimosa Crew vs My Ball Zach Ertz

Grizzlies vs Bear Hood

Grizzlies vs Ledgendaries

Jungle Squad vs Phoenix NA

Los Politos vs Les Last Calls

Slot Machines vs Big Booties

Tropic Thunder vs Binettes


That is who the coin picked to win this week. If anyone wants to help out so Willie does win for the first time, just forfeit your game if I picked against you.


Power Rankings


Here we are, last week of the season before the playoffs and these are the rankings for the last time this season.


Division 1

1- Outlaws

2- A-Team

3- Iron Wolves


Division 2

1- Nice TDs

2- Idaho



Division 3

1- Double Dippers

2- Red Cats

3- RawSauce


Division 4

1- High on Audibles

2- Bines Low Fat

3- Trolling Holers

4- Jagys and Chill

5- Drama Club


Division 5

1- Blue Badgers

2- Ledgendaries

3- Bear Hood

4- Phoenix

5- Grizzlies


There you go, your last week of rankings for this season.


Final Thought


I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween and had fun taking their kids out in the cold. This past weekend we had Chrissy dress up like the Podcast, Brian as Jon (but much better looking), and Jordana dressed up as me. I wish my kids were still little because dressing up and going out in a family costume used to be fun. (ed’s note: next year you should force Nick to dress up and go trick or treating with you. I will pay for video of that.)

This weekend it should be good weather, but you never know.

Before I let you go, I have to remind you that even though this is the last week of the season and teams are still fighting for their playoff spots, we are still playing a game and it should be fun, so go out enjoy yourself and don’t kill anyone. See you Saturday.

Word from the Mouth: Walk the Lines! edition

Word from the Mouth: Walk the Lines! edition

Let me start by saying tootin’ kids and never send a child to do a grownups job (ed’s note: tell that to Nike).

This week both locations were smelly pants. Arthur Therrien lines were completely wacky and Le Ber had no lines all together (ed’s note: false!). That will all be fixed for this weekend. I have ordered paint and will be doing the lines myself on Friday along with filling in holes and trying to level it as best as I can so that we are good for playoffs.

In case you haven’t stepped outside yet this week, it has started to snow, it might not stick around, but you never know (ed’s note: Yes, you do know). That means 2 things are possible playing the playoffs in a blizzard and me wearing a shirt to set up at 8am on Saturday (ed’s note: this is another thing we also know. No, you won’t). Which is more likely to happen?




Division 1


Outlaws vs Lockdown (30-26)

Ariel showed that he is more than just an elite defender this week scoring 3 TDs including the game winner with 26 seconds left. When you look at the stats you have to wonder how you lose a game where you throw 0 picks and the other team throws 3. That very rarely happens, but for it to happen in D1 is even more surprising.


Jagerbomb vs Centurions (32-38)

Gabriel was finally able to get his team into the win column throwing 6 TDs to 0 picks. Yvan had a great day scoring 2 TDs and amassing 170 yards on 13 catches, while Ludovic subbed and scored 3 TDs. This was a game that Jagerbomb should have won and because of it there is a slight chance they don’t make the playoffs, plus you never want to be that team that gets beat by a winless team this late in the season.


Outlaws vs A-Team (26-40)

Both QBs seemed to forget which team they were playing for as they combined for 9 total picks. 5 by Brady and 4 by Dave. After 2 weeks of struggles, A-Team didn’t play close to their best game, but did enough to get the win. Jeremy led the way for A-Team with 3 picks with 1 being returned for 6. Jeremy also scored 1 TD off 6 catches and had 36 yards. A few seasons ago Ariel picked Dave off 5 times in a game, this week it was only 3 times, but at the end of the day the W is what really matters and A-Team got back into that column after a few tough games.


Division 2


KOLB vs Pocket Rockets (21-20) OT

I couldn’t speak to Jonathan after his game and see how it felt like having a rusher like Khalil who end the day with 6 sacks and I’m sure a bunch more pressures. PO seems to be off this season throwing 4 more picks this week. After KOLB scored to tie it at 20, both teams had 3 possessions with the ball and neither team could score. We went to OT where Jon found Stan for what turned out to be the game winner in round 3 of OT. PO had a chance to tie it, but the ball landed incomplete.


Pocket Rockets vs Nice TDs (2-51)

PO threw 7 picks in this game with Andrew getting 4 of them and Flash took every one of them back for 6 which must be a record, if not for the season it definitely is for 1 game. Vinny’s stats are a bit stupid when you look at them. 10 of 15 for 97 yards, 4 TDs and 2 picks thrown. I guess when you have a short field all day your stats are going to look subpar. Khalil scored their only points on a safety, so at least it wasn’t a shutout.


Idaho Udapimp vs Average Joes (32-20)

This was the last game of the day with the sun setting and the wind coming out it was getting chilly and everyone wanted to go home. Idaho jumped out to an 18-0 halftime lead. Joes started to make a comeback to start the second half, but after making it an 18-14 game, Jeremy scored on a 21 yard TD and had the 2-point convert on top of that. Iggy started to drive down late to score, but having to use his timeouts he knew they weren’t going to comeback but wanted to end the game with a score, but Jeremy had other plans and finished the game off with a pick.


Division 3


Phoenix vs Mustard Tigers (33-12)

Rob filled in at QB and did a very nice job of spreading the ball and not turning it over. Mustard Tigers were missing players like they have been most of the season, so they struggled to move the ball and to be competitive all season. Mustard Tigers are looking for the season to be over with and Phoenix is wishing it could have back one of those games earlier in the season, that way they might have had a shot at the playoffs.


RawSauce vs Red Cats (38-34)

I don’t know how this could happen with RawSauce missing half their team due to injuries. RawSauce had a sub to make them 7 players, but Ludovic played defense and this game should be a forfeit because of that. Yvan and Simon killed it for RawSauce getting 185 yards, 4 TDs on 9 catches between them. I asked Avery what happened and all he could say was it was the Armenti cursed that did them in.


Double Dippers vs Pocket Rockets (46-33)

Brisson killed it at QB throwing 7 TDs and only 2 picks. David relied on Simon and Maxime who scored 5 TDs on 10 catches for 157 yards. On defense Manu picked PO off 3 times and Nicolas had 1 sack that was a safety. With under 5 minutes left Pocket Rockets scored to make it a 1 score game and now needed a defensive stop to have a chance to complete the comeback. David took 7 plays and over 3 minutes to score and go back up by 2 scores. Pocket Rockets ended the game after that.


Division 4


Trolling Holers vs Cyclones (12-6)

Worst offensive game all season. Alex completed 5 passes, had 1 TD and 2 picks while only getting 51 yards of offense for Cyclones. Josh didn’t do much better going 20 of 36 for 126 yards, 2 TDs and 2 picks. The key to this game was Andre and his 5 sacks for Trolling Holers.


High on Audibles vs Airborne (34-33) OT

PO is making a name for himself as a receiver this season leading Airborne once again with 11 catches for 70 yards and 2 TDs, while also making 3 tackles on defense. Since Benoit took over at QB Airborne has been in every game even when they shouldn’t be. This week Hassan went off for 3 TDs and Ben kept taking what the defense gave him and that is how Airborne stayed in this game. In OT both teams scored on their first attempt and missed on their second in round 3 HOA got theirs to start the round and when Airborne attempted their convert, the ball fell incomplete and HOA snuck through with the win.


Bines Low Fat vs Royale with Cheese (32-0)

It took Bines a long time to get going, but once they did it was on. At half it was just 6-0 with that score happening right before half. JF has come along ways since week 1, now having the confidence to take his time and make multiple reads before throwing the ball. This week Thomas scored 3 times on 3 catches. Mathieu had 3 sacks on defense. This Bines team is peaking at the right time and is a team to watch out for in the playoffs.


Drama Club vs Sour Peeps (24-12)

We all knew Sour Peeps were going to have their ups and downs this season and this is one of those games where they were in the game for the most part, but with players missing it was going to be hard. Simon did a nice job of taking what the defense gave him and he tried to avoid Lambert as much as possible, but he still ended the day with 1 pick. Simon could have done a better job getting the rest of his players an opportunity to get the ball on offense, but I don’t know that he didn’t and maybe they just didn’t catch the ball.


High on Audibles vs Iron Wolves (27-6)

The only score of the game for Iron Wolves came on a pick 6 from Cooper on the opening drive of the game, but after that it was all downhill. Jason threw 5 picks in this game, and we all know you’re not going to win many games that way. Kris is the best player on the team and wants to win, but sulking after every bad play or when the ball isn’t thrown your way isn’t the way to help mentor the young players and help build Jason confidence up. Kris you’re a great player and I get that you want to win, but sometimes you just need to show up and be the decoy. Avery had a monster game on defense with 3 picks and scoring on 1 of them.


Mustard Cubs vs Trolling Holers (7-25)

Max dominated this game scoring twice on offense as well as having 2 picks on defense and scoring on 1 of them. Josh did enough to win the game with the help of the defense. For Mustard Cubs, when Tyler is your number 1 receiver you know that there are problems. I’m not saying Tyler can’t play receiver, but when you think Tyler, you think rusher and that his father is one heck of a center and good-looking guy. Jungsoo sacked Josh 3 times which I’m surprised about because I expect Josh to run around and buy time. Trolling Holers are only as good as Max is on that day and if Josh stays calm and cool.


Drama Club vs Jagys and Chill (12-40)

Simon wasn’t there at QB and they had Ian as a sub, which didn’t help them at all. Ian threw 6 picks and only 2 TDs. The Drama Club defense tried their best to keep them in the game with their 3 picks, but when JF had short fields most of the game scoring was easy for them. This defense for Jagys and Chill is good and are hard to score and move the ball on. Joris had 3 picks and scored once on defense that is on top of his 5 catches for 38 yards and 1 TD. Other than him no one on the Jagys teams’ stats jump off the page at me.


Division 5


Binettes vs Slot Machines (25-26)

Both teams have come a long way since week 1, the big difference is that Slot Machines have stuck with the same person at QB all season and Binettes have played musical chairs all season. With under 2 minutes left Slot Machines scored on a TD to Hugo and that put them up 5 so they went for 2 and were successful with Jeremy pulling down the pass. Albert now needed to go 45 yards and get the convert to tie it up or go for 2 and get the win. Albert started the drive with a 30-yard completion to Mark. After an incompletion, Mathieu gained 18 yards on the next play before Thomas scored from 2 yards out. After getting Binettes down the field Albert had no luck left on his side and the convert was no good.


Low Expectations vs Drama Club (7-0)

If you wanted offense, this was not the game for you. Nico couldn’t even get 50 yards passing and Marie was their leading receiver with 23 yards. Nico did have 2 picks on defense that made up for the 2 he threw. Alec had his only TD pass to Basil from 6 yards out with just under 12 minutes left in the first half. Chris had 2 picks for them on defense to keep the game low scoring.


Mimosa Crew vs Los Politos (46-26)

Sam is doing everything for Los Politos and they really need to find a second stud if they want to compete with the stronger teams in the division. I thought Mimosa was going to struggle since I thought Dag was playing QB, but instead they had Rob fill in and he did a great job spreading the ball going 16 of 23 with 6 TDs. Justin led the way on offense with 5 catches, 91 yards and 3 TDs. On defense Dag had 2 picks.


Blue Badgers vs Grizzlies (30-13)

Going into this game these teams were ranked 1 and 2 and it didn’t disappoint. Blue Badgers are led by their top tier defense and it all rolls through Oliver who had 3 picks and returned 1 for a TD. Whenever a play needed to be made Oliver looked for Jeremie who ended the day with 7 catches for 71 yards and 1 TD. Grizzlies approach things differently and need the big plays to win and when plays need to be made they look to Jesse to make them. Jesse only had 3 catches for 40 yards in this game plus a pick on defense.


Big Booties vs Les Last Calls (18-0)

This wasn’t the type of game you see from Les Last Calls often. Seb had no catches and Guillaume threw 5 picks and only completed 7 passes. Rob mentioned to me that he was on Seb all game long and didn’t allow him any space to breath. It was the Max show for Big Booties as he scored all 18 points for them while also picking off 3 passes.


Jungle Squad vs Slot Machines (20-32)

Jungle Squad is a shell of the team they were a few weeks ago. They have lost multiple players for the season and are having a hard time replacing those players. This week Matt joined them as a QB and this late in the season it will be tough for him to learn and get on the same page as his new teammates. Slot Machines needed this game to keep playoff alive. Slot Machine jumped out to a 20-0 lead and once Matt got going it was too little to late to get back into the game.


Mimosa Crew vs Tropic Thunder (14-7)

Tropic Thunder is a mess at this point. They pulled Eduardo after he threw 3 picks early, but they were only down 7 at this point. Connor went in and he didn’t do much better. Connor did lead them on a scoring drive halfway through the second half. Late in the game Tropic Thunder had a chance to go down and tie it up or take the lead, but on fourth down and nine Connors pass was incomplete. And the game ended with Mimosa Crew walking away with the W. It wasn’t as if Mimosa Crew out played them Rob was just able to find the endzone twice while also throwing 4 picks instead of 5 combined from Tropic Thunder.


My Ball Zach Ertz vs Dancing Zebras (7-13)

I don’t get My Ball Zach Ertz. You have a runner like Luca, and he only gets 3 catches for 9 yards? You need to find a way to get him the ball in open space. Guillaume was able to score late in the first half and couldn’t do much in the second half. Where Ian struggled in the first half, but settled down in the second half. Late in the game Ian hit Devantie for an 11-yard score. They failed on the convert, but this left under a minute in the game and gave them the lead as well. After getting the ball past midfield the defense for Dancing Zebras stepped up and forced a few incomplete passes allowed a run for 2 yards and the game was sealed when Guillaume was sacked by Guillaume on fourth down.


Phoenix vs TD Hunters (18-13)

This wasn’t a pretty game for either team. It started with Vince scoring a deep bomb while Justin was on the bench. After that the game both teams settled in, and it was a slow game with neither team taking many shots. TD Hunters did a good job on defense with Shermika leading the way with her 3 sacks and who knows how many she was just a second late or missed the flag on, but it didn’t matter to her she kept coming all game long. They also didn’t allow any yards running. They did have one big weakness that I could have exploited all game, but never did (ed’s note: he’s like a superhero!). Late in the game TD Hunters had a chance to win it, but on the last 2 plays of the game Jordana and Chrissy made huge pass defenses to stop what would have been game winning TDs for them.


Ledgendaries vs Nomades (30-18)

The Ben-to-Ben connection is strong with them hooking up 11 times this game for 73 yards and 4 TDs. Both QBs threw 3 picks, the difference was when those picks were thrown and where they were on the field. Nomades opened the scoring quickly to start the game before giving up 24 straight points. When the second half started Legendaries knew if they didn’t do anything stupid the game was theirs. What Nomades needed to do was capitalized on the picks they got early in the second half, but instead they just gave it right back.


That’s all I have for recaps this week. I did cover every team even a little so they would have some coverage. Terry just got married this weekend and won’t be back until the finals weekend, and with Willie you never know if he will hit the record button while trying to film the Podcast. I figured it was easier to just cover everything myself and if he does the podcast, it’s a bonus.


Studs & Duds

Its that time of the week where you get to see if you did enough to get on my list. I want to remind everyone you can only win for the highest division you play in unless you play a different position (ed’s note: or if Kevin forgets this rule), but you can be named Dud for any division you play in.




Division 1

- Gabriel Archambault for balling out and getting his teams first win of the season.


Division 2

- Khalil Agrébi 6 sacks in 1 game, 7 in his 2 games played plus he broke the shutout with a safety.


Division 3

- Robert White filling in at QB throwing 5 TDs and 0 picks, while completing 18 of 28 passes for 183 yards.


Division 4

- Mathieu Dupuis in his 2 games had 4 catches for 110 yards, 1 TD, 2 1point converts. He also made 4 tackles and had 1 pick on defense.


Division 5

- Dag Wiesbrok in 2 games made 13 catches for 105 yards, 1 TD, 3 1point converts. Dag also made 5 tackles and had 5 picks on defense.




Division 1

- Kyle Daniels 2 catches for 7 yards just won’t cut it.


Division 2

- PO and his 11 picks in 2 games.


Division 3

- Ludovic Goulet for playing a play on defense and possibly forfeiting the game that they won.


Division 4

- Alexandre Szalipszki you were sacked as many times as you had completions (5), and you had no rushing yards either.


Division 5

- Tropic Thunder for being a complete mess at the QB position.


If you’re expecting to make my lists before the season ends this upcoming week is your last chance. You know what to do to make my list, ball your rump off or stink the place up. Congratulations to all of this week’s winners and good luck to everyone this weekend.

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 9

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 9



Finally, I had a good week and tied with Terry at 73%. I’m still sitting in last place, but I’m only 1% away from Jon.

With 2 weeks left, it’s about that time of the season where Willie gives up his lead and loses to Terry by 1 game once again. Here are my picks for this week.


Division 1


Outlaws vs Lockdown

Jagerbomb vs Centurions

Outlaws vs A-Team


Division 2


KOLB vs Pocket Rockets

Pocket Rockets vs Nice TDs

Idaho Udapimp vs Average Joes


Division 3

Phoenix vs Mustard Tigers NA

Red Cats vs RawSauce

Pocket Rockets vs Double Dippers


Division 4

Trolling Holers vs Cyclones

High on Audibles vs Airborne

Bines Low Fat vs Royale with Cheese

Drama Club vs Sour Peeps

High on Audibles vs Iron Wolves

Mustard Cubs vs Trolling Holers

Drama Club vs Jagys and Chill


Division 5

Binettes vs Slot Machines

Low Expectations vs Drama Club

Los Politos vs Mimosa Crew

Blue Badgers vs Grizzlies

Big Booties vs Les Last Calls

Jungle Squad vs Slot Machines

Mimosa Crew vs Tropic Thunder

My Ball Zach Ertz vs Dancing Zebras

Phoenix vs TD Hunters NA

Legendaries vs Nomades


Those are my picks for this week. Let’s hope that I get a bit of help and can get out of the basement and if Willie and Terry screw up (maybe, but unlikely) get into the top spot.


Power Rankings

It’s that time once again where you get to see what I think about your team and if you did enough to make it into my power group.


Division 1

1- Outlaws

2- A-Team

3- Jagerbomb


Division 2

1- Nice TDs

2- Idaho

3- Thunder Buddies


Division 3

1- Double Dippers

2- Red Cats

3- Pocket Rockets


Division 4

1- High on Audibles

2- Bines Low Fat

3- Trolling Holers

4- Jagys and Chill

5- Drama Club


Division 5

1- Blue Badgers

2- Grizzlies

3- Bear Hood

4- Legendaries

5- Phoenix


With only 1 week left will your team make the rankings for the last week or can your team hold on to their spot? Guess we will have to wait and see.


Final Thoughts


From what I’m seeing the weather is looking to be nice for Saturday, which is great since we need the field for another few weeks.

I can’t wait to see all the games this weekend as there are so many of them that have playoff implications. I know everyone is going to be playing hard, but let’s remember we’re playing a game and it’s for fun at the end of the day.

Word from the Mouth: Slip Sliding Away! edition

Word from the Mouth: Slip Sliding Away! edition

This past weekend wasn’t a good one, at least not for the grass. It rained once again, but this time we played and next time it rains we will have a plan in place, so we don’t destroy the field completely and we have something to play on next spring.

For the games at Arthur Therrien, we were supposed to play on the side closet to the entrance, but we couldn’t do that since it was horrible. Don’t worry by the end of the day field 1 was mud and barely playable and field 2 was ok at best.

We all need to pray for no more raining Fridays or Saturdays, so we don’t have to change locations.




Division 1


A-Team vs Iron Wolves (12-26)

This game couldn’t have started much better for A-Team as they scored on their opening possession when Dave hooked up with Charles for the 26-yard TD. After that they seemed to cool off and only managed to score right before half. Charles had a monster game scoring 2 TDS and getting 4 sacks, 1 of which Demario says he gave to him, but I can tell you that wasn’t the case. For Iron Wolves, Will was the key to them getting the win. Willie was up in Dave’s face most of the game getting 3 sacks, batting a few balls and who knows how many of the 5 picks his team got were based off his pressure. Iron Wolves scored with zeroes on the clock to end the game and make it look like the win was more convincing than it really was. Both teams struggled to move the ball consistently in the second half due to weather since this was the worse part of the day for rain.


Division 2


Pocket Rockets vs Idaho Udapimp (30-26)

This was the last game of the day and by this point everyone was fed up with the rain and cold and wanted to go home and we almost needed to be rescheduled because of the time (17:26) when the first play happened. Had it been 5 more minutes it would have been. With Idaho having to wait for their sub to arrive from Le Ber. One thing that amazes me every time I see Pocket Rockets play is how open Leo gets and how often PO goes to him, you figure by now someone would guard him. What swung the game for Pocket Rockets was scoring on the last play of the first half making it 12 all, then starting with the ball and scoring to start the second half. In the second half no team was able to get a stop and looked like it might come down who makes a convert. Idaho needed to get the ball back late being down 4, but couldn’t get that stop to leave them 1 or 2 plays.


Division 3


Phoenix vs Villains (20-19)

Anyone that knows wrestling knows about the Montreal screw job and Villains got it even worse this weekend. Halfway through the second half and the score 19-6, Villians’ Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly picked off the ball and looked like he ran it back for 6, but was called out of bounds. I said to Pat who was on sideline you guys are up 2 scores and there isn’t much time left so it shouldn’t matter. Was I ever wrong. After using up almost 7 minutes of clock and not scoring Phoenix had 3 minutes to score twice to get the win. Alec scored a 14-yard TD that Jeremy followed up with a 2-point convert. This left 40 second on the clock. Game over, right? Nope. Phoenix had 3 timeouts. On fourth down and 3 yards to go, Villains decided to punt. Phoenix was left with 21 seconds and no timeouts. There was a quick pass to Simon for 5 followed by an incomplete pass. On what should have been the last play of the game, Jeremi came in a bit too fast wasn’t able to stop and ran into the QB giving them another shot at reaching the endzone. This time the Phoenix receivers had time to reach the endzone. Ball was in the air got hit around before Simon made a diving catch to keep the ball off the ground and to secure the win for Phoenix. Luckily for Villains this game won’t affect their shot at playoffs since they have a doubleheader against Pocket Rockets that they need to win both to make it in.


Division 4


Iron Wolves vs Airborne (25-21)

Iron Wolves were missing some key players, but it worked out for them in the end. Kris stepped up a bit with 3 scores, but what was bigger were his 2 picks and the countless first downs he got in big situations. The player for me that stood out the most was Bangaly Kaba, snagging 5 balls for 102 yards and 1 TD, while also getting 2 sacks. To start the season Leo was QB for Airborne but they have moved on to Benoit and the team seems to have taken it in a good way with them all stepping up to help make plays. PO must be one of the biggest surprises in D4. We all knew he could throw, but he has been showing off his hands this season. This week he pulled in another 11 catches for 86 yards, 1 TD, and 1 1-point convert. The game started with Airborne scoring, then Greg got a safety making it an 8-0 and giving them the ball back. Jason and his squad didn’t care and kept their cool and eventually got back into the game before taking the lead with under 8 minutes left in the second half.


Top Shooters vs Royale with Cheese (28-25)

This game almost didn’t happen as both teams were missing players, but RWC had a sub bringing them up to 6 and Top Shooters were only 4 until white sweater Paul said “sure I’ll play this way they won’t have to forfeit the game”. RWC decided to be nice and play 5v5 so that the game was competitive. On his very first play Paul, went to rush and just slid and ruined his white shoes and his white sweater. No Marvin meant Ryan was QB for Top Shooters and he relied heavily on Yaseen. Jorge had a great game for RWC scoring 3 times on 4 catches and William had a good game defensively for them as well picking off 2 balls. This game was over, but Top Shooters decided to play out the last minute and a half. On the very last play of the game Ryan threw a deep ball that got picked off by William and at first it seemed like he had no shot at taking it back, but after a few defenders slipped he was left 1 on 1 with Ryan who ended up making the tackle. At the end of the day Top Shooters won and kept their playoff hopes alive and that is because of Paul and his decision to play instead of having them forfeit.


Division 5


Legendaries vs TD Hunters (51-32)

What a game, 83 points were scored in the rain, who would have guessed that? I know not me. It was on a rainy day that the two teams decided to play their best offensive games of the season. But the best game of Legendaries was simply too much for the best game of TD Hunters. Even though their third pass deflected from the receiver's hands to become an interception, we quickly felt that we were finally going to see the true face of the TD Hunters. But the long pass caught by Marianela for the TD is proof that practicing outside of games is worth it, and she's been practicing a lot. Then on the next drive, she stopped Goldrick trying a running play on 4th down. Down 20-6, TD Hunters didn't give up and managed to close the gap to make it a one TD game at half-time. Then a communication problem and another deflected pass led to two interceptions by the Legendaries who capitalized each time with a TD. Goldrick responded with a rushing TD and a pick 6, but this slump had already made this match out of reach and confirmed the victory for the Legendaries.


Phoenix vs Bear Hood (27-30)

David opened the game scoring on Bear Hoods first 4 possessions and built up a 24-7 lead. This game looked like it was going to be an easy win for Bear Hood, but then Phoenix woke up and got things going and made the game interesting. After Phoenix made the game 24-14, David threw his 1 bad pass of the game that ended up getting picked off and almost ran back, but he was able to make the tackle. Phoenix ended the half with Felix scoring 1 of his 2 TDs in the game. Phoenix had the ball to start the second half and had a chance to take the lead, but couldn’t. Bear Hood extended their lead when Simon scored from 2 yards out. Phoenix marched down to score, but with little time left they needed a quick 3 and out to have any shot at winning, but Bear Hood got the first and game was ended.


Studs & Duds


With how bad the conditions were this week I don’t expect to see people have some crazy numbers, but you never know. Now to this week’s winners and then the big losers who might have wanted to take the week off and stay dry.




Division 1

- Brady Ohanessian 9 TDs. That’s all I need to write.


Division 2

- Nicolas Poitevin 11 catches, 101 yards, 2 TDs, 1 1point, plus 8 tackles and 1 pick on defense.


Division 3

- Avery Klimas played 2 games and went 25 of 45, 297 yards, 10 TDs, 5 1point convert in the air. Avery also ran 14 times for 165 yards and 1 TD. On defense he made 6 tackles, 1 pick and 1 sack.


Division 4

- Bangaly Kaba had 5 catches for 102 yards and 1 TD. On defense he made 2 tackles both being sacks.


Division 5

- Julie LeBlanc caught 7 passes for 53 yards, 1 TD and 1 1point convert. Julie also made 6 tackles with 5 of those being sacks.




Division 1

- Vincent Blondin when your QB throws 9 TDs and everyone gets into the endzone twice you got to get in at least once.


Division 2

- Rob White 3 catches for 18 yards and 1 2-point convert, oh and let’s not forget your 1 tackle. Got to step it up.


Division 3

- RawSauce for going 0-2 this weekend, you want to be considered a top team you must prove it by beating one of the top teams.


Division 4

- Top Shooters for being 10 in their first game then only 4 until Paul decided to play and save any shot you have at the playoffs by not forfeiting in the second game.


Division 5

- Mimosa Crew defense for giving up the lead with 7 seconds left after just getting a score.


There you have it, the MFL Studs & Duds for week 9. Just a reminder, only 2 more weeks to crack my list so if you want to make it up here you better step up your game.

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 8

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 8



Last week Willie and Jon tied at 71% of their picks being correct and once again I’m at the bottom with 63% of my picks correct. Im doing my picks like I did last week since I have visitors at work this week and am limited on time.


Division 1


Centurion vs Outlaws

Lockdown vs Jagerbomb

A-Team vs Iron Wolves


Division 2


Nice TDs vs Thunder Buddies

Pocket Rockets vs Idaho Udapimp


Division 3

Phoenix vs Villains NA

Double Dippers vs RawSauce

Red Cats vs RawSauce

Red Cats vs Mustard Tigers


Division 4

High on Audibles vs Mustard Cubs

Sour Peeps vs Top Shooters

Iron Wolves vs Airborne

Bines Low Fat vs Jagys and Chill

Bines Low Fat vs Udaho Idapimp

Royale with Cheese vs Top Shooters

Airborne vs Drama Club


Division 5

Slot Machines vs Low Expectations

Les Last Calls vs Drama Club

Dancing Zebras vs Blue Badgers

Bear Hood vs Phoenix NA

Mimosa Crew vs Grizzlies

My Ball Zach Ertz vs Tropic Thunder 

Ledgendaries vs TD Hunters

Low Expectations vs Jungle Squad

Big Booties vs Nomades

Los Politos vs Binettes

Drama Club vs Blue Badgers

Grizzlies vs Big Botties

There you have it your winners for this week.


Power Rankings


Its that time of the week where you get to see if what you did last week was enough to get you on my list and you’re praying that last weeks performance didn’t get you kicked from my list either.


Division 1

1- Outlaws

2- A-Team

3- Lockdown


Division 2

1- Nice TDs

2- Idaho

3- Thunder Buddies


Division 3

1- Double Dippers

2- RawSauce

3- Red Cats


Division 4

1- High on Audibles

2- Bines Low Fat

3- Trolling Holers

4- Jagys and Chill

5- Udaho Idapimp


Division 5

1- Blue Badgers

2- Phoenix

3- Grizzlies

4- Bear Hood

5- Ledgendaries


You only have a few weeks left if you expect your team up on my list you better start winning games and, in some cases, hope for a few teams to take embarrassing losses.


Final Thoughts


By now most if not all have heard that at the 2028 Olympics in LA, flag football will be introduced as a potential new sport. I think its great and should expand the game worldwide. I just have a few concerns over it. I think it will deplete the contact game with less (ed’s note: fewer) kids playing or parents willing to let their child play tackle football.

The other issue I have is the NFL is pushing to have professional athletes compete in them. For me that is BS (ed’s note: Banana Slippers) and should not be allowed at all. The point of the Olympics is for amateur athlete to show their talent in the sport they have been playing or training in for years.

The NHL and NBA shouldn’t be allowed to participate either. A few years ago the AAFL had teams of amateurs and former pro players play in a tournament with a grand prize of 1 million dollars and the amateurs won it with ease. (ed’s note: this is very much because the pros literally did not know the rules of the game…) Flag Football and Tackle football are 2 totally different games and need to be kept that way. I’m sick of professionals being allowed to compete in amateur sports. Before I let you go, remember we are playing a game, so go out, have fun, and don’t kill anyone.

Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Aces Flag Football